Saturday, October 27, 2012

Democracy is broken - let's fix it!

Any time that there is an election, there is always extensive media coverage.
It never ceases to amaze me how superficial the discussions are regarding policies that are under consideration by the competing parties. Is this because we live in a ‘sound bite era’ where the issues are complex and the typical media format is not up to the task of  adequately addressing the details and subtleties  of every topic  and point of view under discussion?  Or is the average citizen too busy or too politically apathetic to dig deeper into the topics at hand. In any case, it seems to me that most citizens obtain their information from the mainstream media and, consequently, believe that superficial information that they receive is sufficient to make an "informed vote" at the polls. 
Furthermore, when the electorate is poorly informed election races often default to a battle between personalities rather than platforms. Unfortunately, in these races, form succeeds over content and any projection as to how the winning party will perform once in office becomes a crapshoot. One possible reason that the “personality contest” type of election has become increasing common is that very few members of the voting populace possess an adequate understanding of economics and, consequently, fail to comprehend the true impact of government operations on our individual choices, freedoms and living standards. In other words, the true costs and benefits of public policies, regulations and programs are never really evaluated by the voting public in any comprehensive manner.
I, for one, believe that our electoral system is failing us and it actually perpetuates the deficiencies in our democracy to which I have alluded above. It is a commonly held view that democracy, while not being perfect, is the best form of government available. Whether you agree with this  view or not, being less than perfect means that there is clearly room for improvement.
 To initiate discussion and debate on how and what to improve, I am proposing the following changes to our electoral events and processes.
 Introducing the Voter Questionnaire and its supporting electorial process.
Imagine a scenario where elections actually generated robust debates and discussions. Furthermore, imagine these to be framed around specific topics to which we will refer to as Public Policy Categories.  Assume for this scenario that these Public Policy Categories,  or PPCs,  are limited strictly to the direct domains of responsibility for the level of government that is undertaking election: federal, provincial, municipal.  
For a provincial election, these PPCs could include: energy, healthcare, education, welfare & family services, regulations, policing, other government services, jobs & labor issues , financial accountability, leadership.
 Now suppose that, during the weeks and months running up to the election date, the political parties would stake a position on each PPC and make their positions widely known to the public. In support of disseminating and interpreting this information, media outlets of all types and stripes would run specific shows and campaigns designed to encourage public debate and discussion among voters as well as to  present differing viewpoints to the public regarding the issues and policy positions taken by each party in the race.
When election day arrives, imagine that voter would no longer vote for a party on a ballot, but would vote for their preferences in each of the PPC categories identified above [there are 10 of them] as presented to them within a document known as the Voter Questionnaire (VQ) .
 A closer look   continue to imagine the scenario.
 In each PPC, all participating parties would stake a position and make it public during the election campaign leading up to election day. However, while this stated position appears on the official Voter Questionnaire (VQ)  [ it will replace the ballot for recording individual voter preferences ], the name of the party supporting the position [ PPC option] is never identified.  The purpose of this is to attempt to isolate the voter’s choice from any particular party allegiance; in this manner, it is hoped that the choice that the voter makes within each PPC will be less influenced by partisan party politics and will more truly reflect his of her beliefs and preferences [unless, of course, the voter has done the homework to be well informed of party positions] .
Let’s look at an example of how this might work within the Voter Questionnaire.  Under the financial accountability PPC, the following options may appear:
a] I prefer an increase in corporate taxes in order to balance the budget annually. [ this may represent the NDP’s chosen  position, for example, but it would not be stated on the voter questionnaire which party has taken this position]
b] I prefer a decrease in government spending in order to balance the budget annually [ this might represent the Ontario Libertarian Party’s anonymous yet official stake on this issue]
c] I prefer that the government increased its debts in order to pay for new government programs [ the Liberal Party may own this stake]
d] I believe that we should legalize, commercialize and tax marijuana as the primary method of increasing government revenues to balance the budget [ The Freedom Party’s stake]
d] I don't care how the government meets its financial obligations long as my needs are met with government assistance [The Communist Party of Ontario]
e] I prefer the introduction of a carbon tax to balance the budget and protect our environment [Green Party]
f] I do not have an opinion on this topic.
It must be noted that ALL OPTIONS [ a -----> h]  that are presented on within each PPC on the Voter Questionnaire [VQ]  MUST have the official endorsement of a party that is competing in the election. In fact, it would be best that the stake that they take on each issue be worded [within guidelines ] by the party leadership itself and will have had the active participation of the party membership in crafting the party’s official stance on each PPC. A coordinating body, preferable a private sector law firm, would coordinate the preparation of the Voter Questionnaire with each participating party and complete this task several months ahead of Election Day.
 Once the final and official Voter Questionnaire is completed, it would  be available for publication by any interested persons or organizations – ie the political parties themselves, members of the media, etc.  The VQ MUST be available at least 60 days prior to the election date in order to to provide enough time for the public to become familiar with its contents and be exposed to any media events that may further their interest in, and knowledge of, the political landscape.
 On Election Day. each voter will mark the official copy of the VQ in the ballot box which will be used to tally their preferences for all 10 PPCs in the VQ.
Evaluating election results
Each of the 10 PPCs in the VQ will carry a 1/10 weighting  towards 1 compete vote.   When the individual VQ is tallied, each voter’s PPC response a record a  1/10th of a vote score in favor of the party that supported the PPC option selected by the voter. For example, if the NDP had publicly supported option d] and if the voter had selected option d], then the NDP candidate in that riding would receive a1/10th vote added to his/her tally.
Note that every PPC will present an option that says “I do not have an opinion on this topic.  On this option, no score is awarded to any party; this is also true if this voter omits a response to any PPC. In effect, a complete vote can distribute 1/10th incremental scores to a variety of parties AND any voter’s accumulated score can represent any multiple of 0.10 point from 0 to 1, depending on the number of “spoiled” PPC votes chosen by the  voter. 
The election will be one by the Party that accumulated with the highest overall PPC scores for the official VQ returns tallied.
Another example and its advantage …
Let’s select another PPC as an example: Under the topic "leadership", the following party options would be provided for selection: “ I believe that the party, and its leader, that is best prepared to lead and direct the resources of the Ontario government is:  “ 
a]  The NDP
b]  The Liberal
c]  The Conservative
d]  The Green Party
e]  The Ontario Libertarian Party
f]   The Communist Party
g]  The Freedom party
h]   I do not have an opinion on this topic.
One major advantage of the VQ is that, if a voter has the tendency to vote for candidates based on personal qualities [charisma, for example] rather than sound and reasonable policies, then the PPC selection would only count for 1/10th of a full vote. The remaining 9/10s of the  vote will be determined by policy positions in the remaining 9 PPCs  Hopefully, in order to make full use of the voting privilege, each voter may be encouraged by the VQ format to invest a little more time and effort learning about the policy options, and their implications on the lives of fellow citizens, that are available.
Yet another example….
 Under the PPC "other government services", the following  options might be:
a] I prefer that the government shrink in size by privatizing all operations that are nonessential services. For example, the LCBO and The Beer Store are retail chains that would be better run as private enterprises rather than government monopolies. [Ontario Libertarian Party]
b] I prefer the status quo – no changes to the current size and structure of the Ontario Government [ governing Ontario Liberal Party]
c] I do not object to considering that the government provide additional tax-supported services such as province-wide day care programs [ NDP]
d] I prefer the government take control and run the whole businesses in the province. [ Communist Party]
e] I prefer that government end all “corporate welfare payments” and use the saving to create a new Environmental Governance agency to oversee Ontario and direct the responsible use of its natural resources . [Green Party]
f]  I prefer that a new agency, responsible for collecting tax revenues from the sale of commercialized marijuana, be created to generate new funds for the provincial Health Care programs. [Freedom Party]
g] I prefer a review of all existing Agencies, Boards and Commissions to identify and eliminate those that no longer serve the public interest suffiently to remain in force. [Conservative Party ]
h]   I do not have an opinion on this topic.
 Note that the statement alternatives presented are stated in a way that reflects party vision & policy rather than address any specific issue. Any voter that is concerned about specific issues is likely to vote for party whose the stated options best align with the ideological stance of the voter. It will be up to the voter to decided which “vision  and approach to  governing” satisfies him or her best,  and to trust that the selected Party will  address any specific issue  of concern in a manner acceptable to the voter.
One more PPC example --- regulations.
PPC Statement :  “I believe that any party that takes power after this election should approach the domain of government regulations using the following approach:”
a] Create new legislation that will protect the public interests while focusing on job creation. [NDP]
b] Create new legislation that will protect the public interests while focusing on the protection of our natural resources and any threats from climate change . [Green]
c]  Create new legislation that will protect all workers from exploitation by rich and powerful corporations [Communist]
d]  Create new legislation that will legalize marijuana to allow new recreational freedoms for our citizens and reduce control of the moralists of our society [Freedom Party]
e] Create new legislation will protect the interests of, and reduce the regulatory burdens to our  retirees, new immigrants, public servants, the poor and the middle class [Liberal Party]
f]  Review and rationalize current regulations with the view of culling regulations that have outlived their usefulness and/or  provide unfair advantages to special interest groups at the unnecessary expense of taxpayers  [Libertarian Party]
[h]  I do not have an opinion on this topic.
 On a personal note, this author believes that this category is a key  and essential one because it accounts for almost all of the inflexibility that governments claim  when the public requests serious cost-cutting. The reason is that , as long as a regulation exists, the  government claims the responsibility to enforce it. Over 500,000 provincial regulations exist in Ontario and this is growing. The only way to enable cost-cutting is to reduce the “responsibility load” of government so that regulations can be selectively eliminated and  ineffective programs scrapped or usefully transformed.
The Benefits continue to add up …
 The above examples portray the possibilities that such a Voter Questionnaire approach to elections could have in creating a more meaningful and engaging democracy. It will shift the focus off “personalities” and onto specific platforms that clarify & solidify the positions that each party is prepared to stake on a wide array of government domains.
 Another advantage of this plan will accrue to each party. To the extent that the party members are prepared to contribute  the necessary effort in  thinking about, discussing, debating  and discovering acceptable common ground and compromise within the party’s evolving vision and platform, the party itself will be enriched and become more mature, cohesive  and professional in its presentation to the public.  If every participating party member contributes to produce the final creation os the party’s 10 PPCs for the VQ, then these will  truly reflect the party membership. This, in turn, will also provide every voter on Election Day with a broad array of unique and robust position statements from which to chose Hopefully the range of PPC options  will  represent the full gamut of realistic possibilities within each PPC  for voters to weigh and evaluate. 
In some instances, however, 2 PPC options presented buy different parties may be the same or very similar. This is where the  the VQ coordinating body will add value to the creation of the Official VQ and work with the parties in questions to ensure that each PPC option is carefully worded  so that differences in each party’s PPC stance are clear.  Therefore, it will require additional soul-searching, discussion and debate within the party membership to refine and craft a PPC party position that is sufficiently  nuanced to best reflect the party’s stand on the topic without ambiguity. REMEMBER, each party is competing for the  vote on every PPC and, for this reason, the more compelling and clear they are on every PPC , the better it is for the voter to consider and decide with minimum confusion or doubt. [ all those 1/10ths of a vote will add up quickly!]
Furthermore, If each political party promotes and campaigns actively on each of their 10 stated positions that appear in the VQ, they will have no excuses after the election that the Official VQ  did not fairly present their parties’ policy options.
Finally, the data collected for a VQ styled election will produce valuable information for the governing party regarding the “pulse” of the communities it serves. In addition, the content of the VQ  also provides an excellent  framework by which the government in power can be evaluated during its term – to track  where it succeeds in delivering on its platform , and where it fails – to be held accountable by the public in ways never previously possible.
This Voter Questionnaire approach may seem like a complicated [and possibly expensive] way to run an election, but if we are to continue to claim that we live in a  democracy, then we owe it to ourselves to inject more honesty, clarity, consideration, and investigation into the choices we make in the political arena.
 To prepare for every election using this approach will require much effort to “get if right”, but it is an effort that will be repaid in democratic dividends that all active participants stand to reap. The phase “participatory democracy’ will hold more meaning than is has to date.
Our world is infinitely more complex than it was when our electoral system was originally designed and it desperately needs to be updated. Fortunately, we live in an age where the technology is available to capture and process voter data in ways never before possible. All that is needed now is the political will and broad public support to build a more robust democracy shaped by a substantially more knowledgeable and engaged electorate.
 This paper was written to generate discussion and to suggest some ideas that may address some of the deficiencies of our current electoral system.  Hopefully it has been successful in its aim.
Let the discussions and debate begin!