This document is intended to present a new, technology-enabled and domain-based election model designed to overcome the limitations of the current monolithic system.
10 GEDoRs – Government’s
Elected Domains of Responsibility
Online voting
via a Perpetual Voters Platform.
Vision Statements for each GEDoR by every competing Political Party
Up to 10 votes
per person – one for each GEDoR
Results statistics to govern priorities across all GEDoRs
All Political
Parties have the chance to govern one or more GEDoRs
Example: Ontario Provincial Election Results using the Voter Questionnaire election process.
The Voter
Questionnaire (VQ) replaces the traditional ballot.
Voting will
take place online using Perpetual Voter Portal [PVP].
All voters are
eligible to “prefer” up to 10 Vision Statements – one for each GEDoR.
To qualify as
an election participant, all Political
Parties [PP] must author and publish a Vision Statement [VS] for as many of the 10 Governments’ Elected Domains of
Responsibility [GEDoR] in which they wish to compete.
Vision Statement [VS] format:
States the
Political Party’s belief and proposed approach regarding the role and extent of
government versus private sector involvement within the GEDoR.
States the
Political Party’s commitment, if elected, to contain its sources of GEDoR funding,
choosing between one of 4 options:
100% funded by
taxation or public debt.
Over 2/3
funded by taxation or public debt.
Between 1/3
and 2/3 of funding from taxation or public debt.
Zero funding
from taxation or public debt.
VS examples for “Health” GEDoR: Note that
the Health GEDoR online screen will present all eligible VS submissions but the
PP identities will be omitted [The “Blind VS”]. Also note that
the last 2 options are available to declare no preference.
I prefer to
de-monopolize the Health Care system in order to improve efficiencies through
competition and private sector investments. No more than 50% funding from
public sources. [Ontario PC Party]
I prefer to
maintain a publicly run Health system and meet rising Health care costs through
public funding. [Ontario Liberal Party]
I prefer to
legalize, commercialize and tax marijuana to increase revenues for our
government-run Health Care system [Ontario Freedom Party]
I don't care
how the government meets its financial obligations as long as my Health Care needs are met 100%
with government programs [Ontario NDP].
I prefer a new
carbon tax to address rising public Health Care costs. [Ontario Green Party]
None of the
I do not have
an opinion on this topic.
Perpetual Voter Portal [PVP]:
Provides the
technology platform to collect votes during Elections and for Referendums.
The use of
modern technology for voting purposes enables greater flexibility to implement and deploy changes to voting
procedures. For example, any combination and variation of First Past the Post
and/or Proportional Representation election models can be readily accommodated.
Remains active
for the entire 4 year elected term to enable all citizens to modify their VQ
responses at any time but without changing the election results during the 4
year term. This “citizen feedback” will be readily available to all interested
parties, especially the PPs who manage GEDoRs.
The media will also be able to report on the performance of all Governing
GEDoR leaders using realtime statistics.
Performance Bonuses
can be easily implemented. For example,
any elected GEDoR Leader may fail to accrue 4 employment years’ credit towards a government pension if he/she fails
to exceed the initial winning percentage of the popular vote for that GEDoR
after 4 years in the job.
Provides a
wealth of data for studying trends in public voting preferences regarding
government involvement in their lives.
VS exambles “Taxation & Spending” GEDoR:
I prefer to
limit spending to the prior year’s tax revenues. Debt-financing can only be
used for infrastructure investments [Ontario PC Party]
I prefer to
restrict spending increases to inflation
+ population growth. Debt-financing is an acceptable instrument to meet the
public’s needs in the areas of Health, Environment and Infrastructure
investments. [Ontario Liberal Party]
I prefer to
tax the highest paid citizens and distribute the proceeds to the “working
families” of Ontario in order to comply with our vision of fairness and
equality. [Ontario NDP]
I prefer to
limit spending growth to inflation +
population growth. Carbon taxes and debt-financing are acceptable
instruments to finance government efforts to contain the threats of global
warming, protect our natural environments and to finance Infrastructure
investments. [Ontario Green Party]
I prefer to
systematically reduce government spending and taxation by 5% per year until
such time that Provincial Government spending does not exceed 7% of provincial
GDP. All privatization efforts and spending priorities will otherwise be
determined by the statistics gathered by the Voter Questionnaire election
format. [Ontario Libertarian Party]
None of the
I do not have
an opinion on this topic.
VQ Preparation, Release, Use and Reporting
A VQ co-ordinating body [possibly the
company that provides the PVP services] prepares the Voter Questionnaire [VQ ] for
the upcoming election or referendum with participating PPs. Completed 60 days
before Election. NOTE: No VS
will be identified on the VQ by the PP who created it.
campaigns start 45 days prior to the
first day of Election Month. Media is encouraged to “give equal time” to all
PPs’ VSs in order to inform and encourage public debate. The VQ will be made available to all interested
persons or organizations. The goal: to familiarize voters with
its contents via media programs, publications and events designed to further
voter interest.
Election Month: Technology-enabled voting will facilitate various modalities and
venues for casting one’s VS preferences. A 30-day
election period provides ample time for voters to carefully consider all VS
options for all 10 GEDoRs.
10 Votes per voter: Each voter “prefers” one VS from each GEDoR. Voters no
longer vote for a PP, but only for their preferred VS. Voters can mark as many
or as few of the 10 GEDoRs as they desire, but declare only one “prefer” per
GEDoR. The post-election Official Tally
of Results will report all the voting statistics.
Premier –
is provided by the Party that
accumulates the largest number of votes tallied.
GEDoR Leaders - supplied by the PP that accumulates the largest number of GEDoR
votes tallied.
Spending and
resource allocation priorities will be determined, in priority sequence, by the
ranking of GEDoRs where the largest number of votes were tallied.
Parties will gravitate towards, and attract, members and political candidates who possess the expertise to be knowledgeable
and credible within specific GEDoRs. This, in turn, will result in the election
of GEDoR Leaders who are much more qualified than the assigned Ministers with
portfolio in our current system. Over time, all PPs will likely create a
widely-recognized and easily-identified “brand”. Such a brand that will be established and re-enforced [ or
damaged] by the PP’s accumulated track record of living up to, and
protecting, its reputation in the same way that successful corporations do.
Shallow and empty political rhetoric will carry less weight when the “citizen
feedback” history for each political party will be captured and
readily available on the Perpetual Voter Platform.
The “Blind VS” is intended to elicit considered and genuine VS preferences
based on governing vision [ approach and principles] rather than on blind “party
allegiance” or “Beauty Contest” [aka “charisma” voting]. If a voter has done
his/her homework concerning each party’s publically-stated VS, then democracy still
achieves its goal of obtaining better-informed voters.
The VQ accommodates
all voter types – from the “one issue” voter to the democratically “engaged and
informed” citizen. It discourages “voting for voting’s sake” and encourages citizens
to understand and discriminate between published and unique Vision Statements
concerning the role of government and the source of funds for spending.
Voter Portal [PVP] will eventually become as familiar to voters as Google is
today. Information is abundant on the net - most people today “shop online” for
goods and service. Why not for political content that is structured around
GEDoR and VS within a familiar PVP?
change in their political interests [or lack thereof] over their lifetime due
to their changing circumstances regarding careers, family responsibilities, financial
circumstances, social influences, education and age-related needs. By employing
the enabling capabilities of modern and
emerging technologies, each and every citizen can main a record of all past personal
voting behavior and use this as a way of reviewing information “snapshots” that
will reveal insights into their own attitudes and behaviours as a democracy
participant. This feature will likely
appeal to a lot of citizens and begin to erode the apathy that many feel
regarding their involvement in the political process today.
Democracy should be “alive” every day, not resuscitated and
revitalized once every 4 years.
• Our world
is infinitely more complex than it was when our electoral system was originally
• Technology
exists to capture and process voter data in ways never before possible.
• We live
in an age of increasing specialization and its time that our government leaders
and organizational structures becomes aligned with this reality.
• Personal
and public Debt levels threaten standards of living in democracies everywhere,
and poor government fiscal discipline sets a bad example for us all.
• Growing
public concern about “societal issues” requires a more focused approach that
will be better achieved by GEDoR scope management and more appropriate
alignment of the expertise and resources needed.
The times are right
to enlist broad public support
in order to
craft a more robust
- one that is shaped and
driven by a substantially
better-informed and more
Gene Balfour , October 26,