Subject: Obesity and Accountability
From: Gene Balfour
Date: June 8, 2013 11:21:16 AM EDT
To: Letters (National Post)
Robert Fulford’s article “The elephant in the room” about obesity raised questions in my mind regarding ‘accountability' for this issue.
In Ontario the majority of us have elected a public health care system that pays the financial costs of obesity-related illnesses. This setup, in effect, rewards those citizens who engage in life-style choices that lead to obesity at the expense of citizens who apply self-discipline to avoid such health risks. Notwithstanding the fact that we all experience unique genetic and socio-economic factors that may advantage some individuals to maintain healthy weight levels, everyone faces adversity in life - why should those who respond creatively and responsibly to life’s challenges be burdened by those who fail to choose a similar path?
Fear can be a positive emotion. Many years ago, a friend of mine suffered his first heart attach at age 26. Three years later, after dropping 60 pounds and the smoking habit, he and I completed the Boston Marathon – the first of dozens of marathons he subsequently ran.
How many of our over-weight citizens must experience a life-threatening event like my friend before they make the positive life-style choices that he made? How many will be as lucky as he was to get a second chance? And why are the responsible taxpayers among us forced to pay for the privilege of so many people who play the game of Life-style Russian Roullete with their lives ?
Gene Balfour
Age 61 - active recreational hockey player, cross-country skiier, Skiker, exerciser, non-smoker. mesomorph