Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Publicly paid Socialist criticizes RRSP and TFSA accounts

Armine Yalnizyan, Senior Economist employed by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, dissed the idea of increasing limits for TFSA and RRSP accounts during her appearance as a "business commentator" on CBC Radio's number one morning show, Metro Morning, which reaches a million listeners in the Greater Toronto Area. She claims that these programs are under-utilized in Canada while forgetting that these same programs are essential to many Canadians working with in private sector who do not enjoy the state-funded pension plans of public servants like her.
As a politically active Libertarian who is forced to pay taxes to maintain the viability of the CBC - a state-owned and operated propaganda engine which perennially sides with advocates like Ms. Yalnizyan for Big Government and Big Labour interests - I would like to propose that all citizens, and especially our  Citizen Entrepreneurs, be given the right to withdraw their tax support for the CBC. Its bad enough that we are forced to pay for this idealogical blunderbuss, but  it vexes me that the good work done by active Libertarians everywhere to deliver the message that  "less government means more individual freedoms for ALL citizens equally) is virtually blasted to smithereens by the CBC buckshot of anti-freedom messages paid for by state taxation. Please remember that Libertarian political parties and their messaging efforts receive no state funding, unlike the CBC.
Armine may have earned an M.A. in Industrial Relations from University of Toronto, a bilingual B.A. in economics from Glendon College, York University, and spent a year of economics at Université de Bordeaux, France... But this only goes to support my claim that her academic training was provided by pro-Big Government and Pro-Big Labor , state-funded institutions of "higher learning" funded entirely by the tax payer without choice. Armine's Life Lens looks nothing like my own, nor that of the millions of citizens who do not enjoy a paycheck and pension plans that are funded by coerced taxation.
To me, the face and voice of Ms. Yalnizyan is my personal poster child for the anti-freedom, anti-business thinking that muddles the minds of our richly-entitled government bureaucrats. I regularly call the Morning Show host Matt Galloway to complain about her Marxist views and hope to have her removed from the show, or at least introduced not as a "business commentator" but as a "Marxist" or "Socialist" commentator. I invite you all to do the same.

Gene Balfour
I have run on 3 occasions s the Ontario Libertarian Candidate for Thornhill and plan my first run for the Libertarian party of Canada later this year

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