Sunday, September 4, 2011

Is Dalton McGuinty hooked on OPM?

Have you ever wondered why Dalton McGuinty was unable to keep his promise 8 years ago to not increase taxes?  My theory is that he is hooked on OPM!    ;-)

For politicians like Mr. McGuinty, the temptation must be overwhelming to project himself as the 'Iron Man' of  political heros by throwing OPM (other people's money) at every problem and hope that the problem will go away as if by magic. This seems to work in comic books but not so well in reality.

I wonder how well Mr. McGuinty would fare at the election polls if he no longer had access to a reliable supply of OPM? How would he solve problems? …. and if he promised to solve them without OPM, would anyone belief his promises?

I have come to believe that OPM is a dangerous and powerful stimulant that needs to become a controlled substance in Ontario. In the hands of the wrong people, they can experience delusions of grandeur that, to thousands of observers, can appear real. Yet, the schemes that they concoct and the promises that they make while under the influence of OPM often have little or no basis in reality.

Curiously, dependence on OPM appears to be an affliction that is experienced only by some members of the political class. They are easy to pick out of the crowd — they are the politicians who make big and expensive promises that can only be implemented if they have access to an endless supply of OPM. In the case of Mr. Guinty, his OPM habit is obvious from the years of growing OPM use that we have all observed.

Now, a word about OPM.

  • The clinical features exhibited by a person hooked on OPM include: grand delusions of power - a smarmy smile when speaking publicly - and a Pinnochio-like nose after prolonged use. Strangely, not everyone can see the nose extension feature — like in 3D movies, only those who own a pair of 'OPM abuse detection glasses' can observe the nose elongation.
  • OPM is produced in Ontario which makes it a popular resource among Ontario politicians because they can claim that they only obtain their supply from local producers. 
  • The crop of OPM can vary from year to year depending upon a myriad of conditions —  for this reason, politicians hooked on OPM cannot depend upon a bumper crop every year. 
  • In manufacturing terms, it takes an almost infinite range of 'factors of production' combined with hard work, creativity and personal sacrifice in order to produce OPM. 
  • All OPM producers are obligated by Ontario law to give up a portion of their crop to the political class every year in return for "protection services". Failure to comply can result in fines ( ie confiscation of more OPM) and/or a prison sentence. 
  • Many producers are resentful about how much of their OPM crop they must forfeit each year. A few have begun to openly compare the expensive operation of the political class to the 'protection rackets' of the mafia during the last century. 
  • OPM is a precious crop to its producers who must retain sufficient portions in order to meet the needs of themselves and their families. A curious feature of OPM is that its clinical features do not appear when used by the producers and their family members

Members of the Ontario Libertarian Party have no OPM suppliers. They conduct their affairs within a small budget that has grown through the generous and voluntary donations of time and money by people who are opposed to the abusive use of OPM in political affairs.

If you are also opposed to the abuse of OPM by our political class, I urge you to vote Libertarian on October 6.

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