Thursday, February 13, 2014

Less is more when it comes to government

For as long as I can remember, Ontario and Canada have been described by numerous publications as perennial laggards in measures of business productivity improvement when compared to the USA, our most important trading partner.

How much business productivity, and its resulting gains in jobs and prosperity,  have been lost due to government-imposed tax and regulatory burdens is anybody’s guess.

How do our political leaders, tax authorities and regulators justify imposing these overheads?

Clearly, huge levels of taxation, both direct and deferred, are needed to fund our unwieldy public bureaucracies and their payment obligations. With respect to regulations, who are their trying to protect but ourselves from ….. ourselves  (go figure)?

How can Ontario ever expect to host successful businesses, with their attending growth in jobs and overall prosperity, when our governments insist upon restraining our Citizen Entrepreneurs with the state-mandated,  command & control equivalent of a choke chain?

While I doubt that it is possible to accurately measure how much this “choke chain” is restraining the creativity, energy and investing within Ontario’s businesses, a quick “gut check” will surely lead most of us to the conclusion: “Too much” !

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